Monday 14 March 2016

Its been a while hasn't it

Wow its been such long time since I posted on this thing, but now I aiming to be more active on this hoping for at least a once a fortnight update.

What has happened since last I posted on here I graduated and left tafe which has been great and not so great at the same time I realize that not being around so many talented people has left me bit uninspired to make a project but I hope to change that! Working on a new 2d unity project that you will get to see more of later. In the mean time enjoy my showreel from last year.

Thanks for reading

Monday 15 June 2015

Cow game assets

Here is some various assets produced for my re-skinning of a farmer vs UFOs game. The idea I went with for this was a more demonic farmer with his demon cows defending them from various angels trying to steal his demonic beef.

Couch first experience In Zbrush

My first in class exercise in Zbrush was sculpting a couch from a low poly base model in Maya. Then taking that into Zbrush and sculpt more detail then retopologize back in Maya, and then final texturing back in Zbrush.


 The first enemy type of two is the deadly Furby with its laser eye beams. Main inspiration for doing this character came from the reboot Furby toys with screens for eyes.
 And the other type of enemy made for this game is the more traditional action figure type toy. Since I planed to have many of these running around in game, I decided to have three different types of heads that will be chosen at random when spawned in.

Environment for second semester game

The main environment for the small game I produced this semester was a kids room.
Below is a render of the environment in Maya and below that is a screenshot from unity of the unfinished game. The game is a arcade  shooter where you see how long you can survive for.